The Mission of “A FATHER”S NOVEL” is a very noble and important one. There has never been a resource like this one made available to Men that want to share their deepest thoughts with their children uninterrupted, unchanged, and unmolested by those who feel they’re unimportant. These fathers or father-figures have been silenced until now. There has been a very alarming rise in divorce and an increase in single parent lead households around the world. These situations have become super prevalent in many 1st World countries like The United States, Canada, Great Britain, France, and Australia.

In most of these single parent lead households there is no father present. The idea that these fathers ALL left and did not want to be in their kids lives have become the world’s new “SOP” way of thinking or Standard Operating Procedure. Since this has become the 1st world’s view on men, the fathers can now be determined to be criminals OR criminal-types if their relationships with the mothers of these children fail. The financial burden then leveed on a man due to a failed relationship with the birth parent can be a devastating blow to the individual. The family court laws & guidelines then set out for these men to follow in order for them to see their children in these countries can be draconian at best. These situations can turn impossible if the mother of the child is uncooperative. Many experts suspect or conclude that this new modern-day world family management system is behind the sharp rise in suicides, substance abuse, violent crime, and depression in men of all ages from the aforementioned countries.

Every research study ever done on family structure has shown that boys & girls have better outcomes in every aspect of their lives when a loving father is present or allowed to be. Many of the children of these alienated men will grow up feeling unwanted, unloved, and uncared for by their fathers which is unjust. These children have absolutely no idea of the hurt, struggles, guilt, and sacrifices that their dads have suffered for them. The truth could just be buried within lies and or the father’s mind & body without investigation. Fathers who found themselves in these precarious situations have felt helpless, forgotten, depressed, angry, and alone. These fathers had dreams, thoughts, prayers, knowledge, and wisdom for their children that would just end up accompanying them to their graves unclaimed. Essentially, these informational gems would become Earth’s greatest buried treasures… There is no currency that can rightfully replace human continuity. This task has been made even tougher to execute because mothers have not even given the children the last names of their fathers. So, the earthly bloodlines of these men are essentially killed off like the chattel bondage era of early Americas in the 1600s. Until now…

We have embarked on this twofold global effort to assist mankind. Our first goal consists of children of all ages to know their fathers. No matter how old, no matter how bad the situation is, and no matter where they are we want to assist. But, we need to get the fathers everywhere to participate in posting their very own Novels on Our second crucial goal is to help the fathers of the world to share and pass on cultural and time-honored family traditions to loved ones who may not even be born yet. Every father’s traveled path through life’s trials, tribulations, and triumphs are worthy of being known by his offspring. We are dedicated to continuing, maintaining, and even generating relationships between fathers, their children, and beyond. There are innovative methods that we have created and will initiate to assist in achieving all of this in a safe space. We believe that the product we have put together will amaze and serve you well. Now, “IT’S TIME FOR OUR CHILDREN TO DISCOVER YOU!”

Joehonny N. Reese

Founder of Nigel-Lee Werkz