About A Father’s Novel

Why I created A Father’s Novel

I have always thought that my personal thoughts as a father were something I want my children to know. I simply felt I lost touch with my kids.

After talking with many of my dad’s friends, many said there are misunderstandings in their family, that they haven’t been with their kids, or simply haven’t had the chance to express their thoughts directly with their children. Some even told me they feel strongly that the air had to be cleared. They said they would like to have a place to express themselves. Now there is A Father’s Novel.

— Joe Nigel Reese

Founder,  Nigel-Lee Werkz

I was born in Detroit, Michigan.  My early years consisted of growing up in the 70’s and 80’s.  That time frame shaped me into the person I am today.  Detroit was a rough place back then, but my childhood was filled with good friends and family.

After high school I joined the Army.  I spent the summer of 1986 in Anniston, Alabama at Fort McClellan.  After boot camp, and advanced individual training, I was stationed in Germany for the next two years.  My world opened up after this.  I went on to spend a total of seven years in the military, which were some of the best times of my life.

In 1993 I made the decision to get out of the military.  I had several job offers, but I settled on the City of Cincinnati, where I became a Police Officer.  My career mainly consisted of street patrol, mountain bike patrol, S.W.A.T, and district level vice work.  Time flew, and in 2018 I retired from Police work after 25 years of service.
With retirement behind me, I moved on to another career, moved to another state, and moved on with life.  During my military life and time in Cincinnati, I fathered two beautiful daughters.  The cost of having children out of wedlock, and dealing with two different women would soon hit me and put me in the system.  This is where my story begins like so many other men of my generation.  After many talks we all have come to the conclusion that the system that’s in place isn’t built for the man or child.  The system needs to be overhauled, and  safe guards put in place to make sure the child is the number one priority.  Stop the economic destruction of the father, for 18 plus years, while the mother reaps all the benefits.  

Darrell Rhone

Special Advisor