Counseling & Resources

Mental health is as important as physical health, and the two tie into one another. Mental health issues are one of the leading causes of disability in the United States.

Mental Health

Family courts in the United States have failed in providing mental health services to all family members involved in a divorce or child custody dispute. Since the inception of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” social reform plan in 1964, America’s family structure has eroded dramatically. In 10 years, the black family may be extinct with all other family units in the U.S. to follow.

72% of Black children in the United States live in single parent households. 46% of white children in the United States live in single parent households, and these numbers are slowly increasing. Suicides have increased in America over the last 55 years and are often shown to be linked to family breakdowns. We need better communication.

A Father’s Novel is this nation’s first digital tool aimed at stopping the erosion of families in the United States and turning them around. A Youth’s Novel (Coming Soon) is in development to help the children in this nation express, download, and to coup with the stress the Parental Dysfunction between their birth parents.



Find Help Now

It’s never been easier to connect with a psychologist through a video consultation. It’s confidential and totally private.

Suicide Crisis Lifeline

If you’re struggling or want to know how to help someone who is, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline any time of day or night.

Get Employment Assistance

Hamilton County Job and Family Services administers state, federal and local programs designed to help those in need and help families work toward self sufficiency.